Culture is an essential and sometimes is the only cause of the conflicts. Cultural messages shape our understandings of relationships but Misconception or misunderstanding of the messages may lead to conflict. It occurs when something like gestures, a word, object etc, have different meanings in two or more cultures, and some of them refer to different attitudes and have greater consequences.
People in some cultures stand very close to each other to speak to one another and consider it rudeness to stand away and in other cultures standing a few feet away is a norm unless it's a romantic involvement. The question here is how we can solve Misconception to avoid the behavior that might be misunderstood?
One of the common guides for avoiding the behavior that might be misunderstood is learning local language and studying their cultural lifestyles, their cultural backgrounds etc. therefore when we communicate with the people from other culture, we have enough knowledge of the customs of them that help us to solve misunderstanding.
Another effective factor that is mentioned in cross-cultural communication is what experts call “active listening.” This technique involves restating the other speaker’s statements to ensure that you understand their meaning, and then the speaker can confirm or revise our perception. By these techniques we can solve Misconception to avoid the behavior that might be misunderstood.